

In the year 1910 hats with exotic furs were popular. In Europe an exotic fur at the time was beaver fur since it was imported from the America’s. They would also use ribbons, and feathers on their hats. This hat would have been worn during the Edwardian Period. This style of hat is known as a “Gainsborough Hat”.


Another style of hat’s popular in 1910 was the Merry Widow hat. It was made popular after theatre star Lily Elsie wore as a lead character. The hats were usually black, wide brimmed with chiffon, and feathers. These hats were not just made big by popularity but by size too.


Boots like this satin ivory/rose in button up with a lace and satin ribbon were worn around 1910. These boots would typically be used in the day time with the according day time clothes. In the evenings they were to use more of a pump heel shoe.


Pins were used as an accessory in 1910, but they also helped women who wore hats as well. In the year 1910 there was the “Edwardian Period” and entering was “Gibson Girl” they were both different, but were going on at the same time. The “Gibson Girl” might have used these pins as an accessory for their more relaxed up-do hair style. Meanwhile, the women of the “Edwardian Period” would use them to keep their hats and hair in place.


Corsets were not just things of the past just yet in the year 1910 women still wore corsets. This bodice uses whalebone. Some men were also known to wear corsets during this time period. Whalebone corsets were mainly used more by the upper class.


A popular accessory for men in 1910 was the pocket watch. The “higher” class men could afford to have them made with better quality metals, and more elegant designs. The middle to lower class would have theirs made of more affordable metals, and some simpler designs.

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